Christopher Hitchens Girls Not as Funny as Guys


Are men funnier than women? Lamentable, Christopher Hitchens, they're not.

Entry 10: No, men are non funnier than women.

Photos by Julia Freeman-Woolpert and DutchScenery, photo illustration by Natalie Matthews-Ramo

Photos by Julia Freeman-Woolpert and DutchScenery. Photo analogy by Natalie Matthews-Ramo.

In the course of researching our book, nosotros met with humorists all over the world—and in most cases, those humorists were male. In Los Angeles, the vast bulk of the stand-up comedians we spoke to were men. When we got a behind-the-scenes look at the New Yorker drawing process in Manhattan, well-nigh all the cartoonists were men. And when we visited a one-act training school in Tokyo, which is substantially mandatory for would-be Japanese comedians, there were a total of two women in both sixty-student classes nosotros sat in on.

Our experience on the route might seem to bolster the late Christopher Hitchens' claim that women aren't as funny equally men. As others have noted, Hitchens is hardly the only 1 who believed this; comedic minds from Jerry Lewis to Adam Carolla take espoused similar views. A recent experiment involving New Yorker cartoons found that both male person and female participants were more likely to attribute funny cartoon captions to men.

But are women really less funny than men? In the nascent years of humor research, scientists seemed to think so. Researchers found that men were more likely than women to enjoy jokes and cartoons presented to them, peculiarly if the jokes were sexual or aggressive. But afterwards reviews of these experiments establish the conditions were less than ideal. Many of the jokes used in the studies were downright sexist, like this 1: "Why did the woman cantankerous the route? Never mind that, what was she doing out of the kitchen?!" Then did female person participants not relish jokes? Or was it just that they didn't enjoy jokes at their own expense?

More recently, Rod Martin, writer of The Psychology of Sense of humour and one of the unofficial deans of sense of humour research, looked into the question of gender and sense of humour. He reviewed all the valid experiments, from comedy appreciation surveys to joke-telling contests to self-reported questionnaires to observational experiments, and came to a decision that he relayed at a recent International Social club for Humor Studies briefing: "I think Christopher Hitchens is wrong." Past nearly every scientific measure, men and women are far more alike than different in how they perceive, bask, and create sense of humour. This goes for racy stuff, besides: A 1998 review of 23 studies dealing with sexual jokes and cartoons plant that women liked the dirty jokes just equally much as men—then long equally the jokes involved weren't sexual activityist.

So where did this notion that men are funnier than women come from? Maybe it'southward simply because one-act, from the vaudeville scene of the early xxth century to stand-upward today, has traditionally been a male person-dominated field.

That said, studies have found differences in the way men and women talk virtually humor in the context of dating and mating. In 2011, researchers analyzed more than 250 online dating profiles posted by people in London and several Canadian cities. They found that men were nearly twice as likely to boast of their humor-production abilities ("I'm an aspiring stand-upward comic"), while women were nigh twice as likely to be looking for a humour producer ("I want someone who can brand me giggle").

The discrepancy could be linked to humour'south evolutionary origins. A sense of sense of humor in men could exist seen as a sign of intelligence, social desirability, and overall genetic fitness. Then guys might have an incentive to bear witness off their comedy chops, while women are incentivized to be on the lookout man for the funniest possible mate. According to evolutionary psychology, male person mating goals are different: Men theoretically look for a healthy mate—i.e., someone young, salubrious, and attractive—before they look for signs of intellect and social intelligence, so a woman'due south sense of sense of humour would matter less.

Then again, humor seems to matter for both men and women. A survey of 700 men and women discovered that people considered sense of humour among the most important of all characteristics when choosing a partner, romantic or otherwise. And studies of happy marriages, especially those lasting more than than one-half a century, observe spouses often ascribe their marital bliss in role to laughing together.

Only enquiry also suggests the reverse is true: Humor can point doom for a relationship. Studies have found that dating couples who showroom potent senses of humor are more than likely than others to intermission upward. As paradoxical as that sounds, it makes sense. Since humor is such a highly regarded trait, it's more probable that others volition exist enticed by these attractively funny people and lure them away from their partners.

So in that location may exist both social and biological incentives for men to joke effectually more than women. But that doesn't hateful that guys are necessarily funnier. Author Peter McGraw recently asked a couple of his classes to take function in a joke-writing competition. Working with colleagues Caleb Warren and Kathleen Vohs, he plant that of the 50 or and so jokes submitted, those written by men were rated, by a second group of students, to be ever so slightly funnier than those by women, but the difference was so minor it wasn't statistically significant. On the other hand, the guys' jokes were far more offensive. Two of the top three funniest jokes were written by men, only they were both rated highly distasteful—one dealt with misogyny and the other the Penn State football sex abuse scandal.

The joke ranked funniest of all was also somewhat offensive, every bit it invoked a racial stereotype—but it seemed to hit the sweet spot between vulgarity and hilarity. Followers of Christopher Hitchens, take note: The winning gem was written by a woman.


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