2020 Cpa Exam Continuous Testing Another71
![a jar of salt](https://i0.wp.com/www.goingconcern.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/salt.jpg?resize=885%2C750&ssl=1&is-pending-load=1)
Last week, CPA exam candidates got worked up over an "error correction" that meant people who tested on October 1 would not be included in the 10/11 score release as previously stated on the AICPA's score release timeline. You see, up until September 30th the AICPA's timeline said that if you sat by 10/1, you […]
![an angry guy yelling into phone](https://i0.wp.com/www.goingconcern.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/an-angry-guy-yelling-into-a-phone.jpg?resize=885%2C750&ssl=1&is-pending-load=1)
Scrolling Reddit this weekend I noticed several posts from r/CPA littered throughout my feed among the food porn, cats, and reality TV gossip, something about some score release debacle with strong hints of outrage. What the hell happened? Whatever it was, they were pissed. Oh my. Apparently up until this weekend the official AICPA score […]
Hey hey, it's May. Just in case you forgot or are still stuck in an endless, nightmarish loop in which passing days are both rushing by and dragging on forever at the same time. What's up with that, anyway? It feels like every time I look up, another month has passed me by. Is it […]
We're seven and a half months away from Christmas but that didn't stop the benevolent overlords of the CPA exam from gifting candidates with an early score release this week. Scores were due today according to the AICPA score release schedule. #CPAExam candidates! Waiting for your score(s)? They will be released tonight at 7 p.m. […]
Apparently yesterday was St Patrick's Day. I don't know about everyone else but I didn't even realize it, maybe because we're all still in a quasi holding pattern of lockdown depending on where we are and getting shitfaced with strangers in kelly green T-shirts wasn't on the menu. Or it could be that I no […]
According to the AICPA time table, the second batch of CPA exam scores for the first half of 2021 were due on February 23, which means that candidates were anticipating them starting some time last week. Even with the entire world in turmoil, the benevolent overlords of CPA exam administration have done a spectacular job […]
So it's February already even though it feels like just yesterday we were all duking it out over the last roll of toilet paper at Target. Time goes on, as it must, perhaps moreso in these strange times we're lucky enough to be alive to see. Today has the distinction of being the first CPA […]
Rejoice, procrastinators, your remaining 2020 CPA exam scores have been released to the wild today, meaning everyone who took the exam up to December 31 should have them in hand. Unless you're in California but that's a whole other topic for another day. On January 12, 2021, NASBA received and processed the following scores from […]
You know how every time you go to look up a simple recipe, let's say sugar cookies, and you find a website that looks good only to open it up and get hit with half a dozen auto-play ads and 15 paragraphs about how the author's great-grandma smuggled this recipe out of Poland during the […]
Although I tried my darnedest during the last CPA exam score release to unleash a curse on AICPA servers because candidates are overdue for some unforeseen disaster given how smooth things have gone lately, it appears the collective powers of the CPA exam overlords are more powerful than any jinx. That's right, scores have been […]
For those who get a special thrill out of meticulously planning your future, you'll be stoked to hear the CPA exam score release schedule for 2021 is out — for the first half of the year, anyway. Considering the current state of the world, it's nice to have something solid you can kinda sorta rely […]
Chugging right along for what will no doubt be considered the worst recorded year in human history, there's at least a small bit of good news to be gleaned from the dumpster fire that is 2020: CPA exam scores continue to be released on time. #CPAExam candidates! Waiting for your score(s)? They will be released […]
Good news, y'all. Although the next CPA exam score release was supposed to be September 16 (that's this Wednesday for those of you who have lost all sense of time these days), NASBA announced today that scores will be released tonight, September 14 at 9 p.m. Central. #CPAExam candidates: The scores for the scheduled September […]
According to the AICPA's handy-dandy CPA exam score release schedule, CPA exam candidates are due a score release on August 25. Lately, scores have not only been on time but early; however, we have yet to see anything from NASBA about a Monday night score release so don't hold your breath on that one. They […]
According to the AICPA's CPA exam score release timeline, candidates who sat for the exam on or before July 23 were due to receive their scores tomorrow, August 7; however, according to a very recent tweet from NASBA, scores are here just a little early. #CPAExam candidates! Waiting for your score(s)? They will be released […]
Thinking back to posts about missing CPA exam scores we've written over the years on this website, I knew there was at least one in the recent past. By "recent past" I thought maybe 2018 or something but nah, try January of this year. I shouldn't have to explain why six months ago feels like […]
Not only is it June, it's almost summer. I'd ask where the first half of the year went but I already know, it circled down the drain in true 2020 fashion. Whatever happened the first two quarters may not be entirely behind us now but what we do know is that, Rona be damned, TPTB […]
Hello and happy Thursday, everyone! I hope you are safely enjoying your home office or, as is usually my case, a comfy corner of your couch. Scores are out: On March 19, 2020, NASBA received and processed the following scores from the AICPA. pic.twitter.com/cpb4NM1Q1H — NASBA (@NASBA) March 19, 2020 Today's score release means the […]
Is is already March? Why am I getting the sneaking suspicion 2020 is going to be one of those years that rushes by and next thing you know, you're 40 and sipping an IPA in the same dingy bar you've been going to for years wondering where your life went. Oops, don't mind me, just […]
You know, my colleagues and I had a discussion last year right around the time continuous testing was announced whether or not we should keep posting these open threads. I mean … surely everyone is on Twitter, aren't they? That or obsessively refreshing their score. I mean look, there's someone on Reddit who likely won't […]
Is it just me or does this seem kinda late to be the first CPA exam score release of 2020? Whatever, it's on time so there's that. On February 4, 2020, NASBA received and processed the following scores from the AICPA. pic.twitter.com/KMPQWdl8yg — NASBA (@NASBA) February 4, 2020 The NASBA graphic says 19Q4 but surely […]
Imagine the worst possible thing that could happen to a CPA exam candidate. Getting snowed out on the last day of testing in the fourth quarter when you have three passing exams expiring in January? Forgetting your ID at home when you live two hours from the nearest Prometric test center? How about waking up […]
Welp, that's it. It's over. Whatever your CPA exam plans were for 2019, I sure hope you got done what you wanted to do because there are no more chances left for the year. December 10 was the final testing day of 2019 and this on-time score release yesterday bears the distinction of being the […]
Is it just me or did this year fly by? Maybe it's because it's like 60 degrees and rainy here in the Old South but it really doesn't feel like December to me. I mean, it has to be because Alexa says so but this is the least December-y December I can recall in a […]
This morning I planned to let you know about an ongoing situation involving the California Board of Accountancy and hordes of angry CPA exam candidates, but wouldn't you know, just as I fired up the ole CRM to write the post, the situation was magically resolved. I figured I'd go ahead and update anyway in […]
So here we are. I dunno about you guys but my windows have been open for like two weeks now and I finally got my first glance of falling leaves, leading me to believe, despite the 80 degree temps today here in Virginia, the end of the year is finally upon us. Just in case […]
For those of you playing along at home, this score release leaves us with one more for this quarter and five total remaining for the year. Where did this year go? You know what, I'm not going to complain. On September 10, 2019, NASBA received and processed the following scores from the @AICPA. pic.twitter.com/jjipmhoJ8i — […]
If it feels like we literally just had a score release thread the other day I assure you you're not going crazy. I mean, you absolutely could be going crazy — especially if you're studying for the CPA exam and not just reading this for fun — but not on this particular issue. Hey so […]
My, time flies when you're mired in the misery of sitting for the CPA exam, don't it? Today, NASBA received and processed an absolute shitton of scores from the AICPA, making this another CPA exam score release on time without a hiccup. Well, no, surely there's some poor candidate in Wyoming or something who didn't […]
Yooooo. Sorry I'm late on this… wait, no, fuck that I'm not sorry. Saying sorry for things you're not actually sorry for is for bitches. Let's start over. Heyyyyyy! Here's your open thread for the very first CPA exam score release of the second quarter 2019. Exciting stuff. Stalking Reddit and Twitter yesterday after scores […]
![Hulk Smash](https://i0.wp.com/www.goingconcern.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/incredible-hulk-1527199_640.jpg?resize=640%2C425&ssl=1&is-pending-load=1)
Hey guys, I'm happy to report I'm back from the plague and would like to thank the exactly none of you who sent me well wishes while I lay dying in a hospital bed. Seriously, y'all are the worst. OK so, as my esteemed colleague Bramwell pointed out earlier this week while I was busy […]
What's the second worst thing a CPA exam candidate can see besides a 74 on score release day? Well this, of course: Those of you with a promising future in audit will notice that the dates are all wrong here. If the AICPA received your exam data by February 14, your score should be released […]
The anticipation. The excitement. The disappointment. It's finally time for those CPA exam scores to come trickling out! But first, this. Honestly NASBA this countdown bs is just rude — slizzard (@levineliz) February 3, 2015 As we all know, the NASBA countdown clock is a new-ish evil plan by NASBA to fuck with you […]
As usual, folks over at Another 71 are reporting they've received scores despite NASBA keeping mum for now: @NASBA AUD Scores releasing now http://t.co/TEefr5aETF #cpaexam — Jeff @ another71.com (@another71) December 6, 2013 Also as usual, please feel free to share your victory (or defeat) in the comments if you need a pat on the […]
For those of you that have been holding your breath since Thursday, the suspense officially ceased on Saturday morning. #AICPA released the following scores to #NASBA for the July/Aug 2013 testing window: 4492 AUD, 4087 BEC, 4675 FAR and 4660 REG #CPAexam — NASBA (@NASBA) August 24, 2013 Browsing through the Twittersphere, you'll find that […]
I present to you, Exhibit A: NEWS FROM THE #AICPA: Score release delay: #CPAexam scores will be released on August 23, 2013 for results received by August 14, 2013. — NASBA (@NASBA) August 21, 2013 And a few reactions: @NASBA You are killing me. 🙁 — marty (@m_arty) August 21, 2013 "@NASBA: Score release delay: […]
We always hear from a few people whose scores get released early, but we don't mind waiting for NASBA to make the official Twitter announcement, as they did right on cue this morning: #AICPA released the following scores to #NASBA for the July/August 2013 testing window: 5548 AUD, 4906 BEC, 6480 FAR and 5699 REG […]
Yes, it's a little ambitious for us to be posting on a Saturday in December, but we're here for those of you that have suffered long and hard for some BEC closure. Plus, NASBA doesn't rest on the Sabbath: #AICPA released the following scores to #NASBA for the Oct/Nov 2012 testing window: 6195 AUD, 4620 […]
Hurricane Sandy managed to throw the AICPA off its game for a few days, but anyone that was expecting delays to extend into next week will be excited (or terribly disappointed) that things are moving right along: #AICPA released the following scores to #NASBA from the Oct/Nov 2012 testing window: 4971 AUD, 4313 FAR and […]
Anyone that was hopping mad about the delayed release of their CPA exam score due to Frankenstorm Sandy can untwist their undies; you'll only be tortured for an extra week: Barring further complications, scores for test results that were received day 1 – 20 by the AICPA will be released by NASBA to state boards of accountancy […]
Source: https://www.goingconcern.com/tags/just-give-me-my-score-you-bastards-0/
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